Core competence
In all areas of the mechanical separation technology a run to ultra-fine materials can be noticed. These particles, to be separated out of a slurry, will be produced among other things by a crystallization resp. precipitating process. Nano-/ Micro-technology is not only a keyword but will be playing a decisive role in the future for the development of new products in all areas like the filler industry as well as the chemistry and pharmacy. The basis for advanced product development is only given if the manufacture of very fine, uniform distributed particles contained with defined characteristics in constant configuration is successful.
On basis of the real existing situation, the Krettek Separation GmbH developed the horizontal peeler centrifuge series ProCent®. This centrifuge generation is excellently suitable for the dewatering of fine materials because of extremely high g-force factors, which are regularly 50 %, in some cases even up to 100 % higher than these of our worldwide competitors. Particularly when the use of conventional technology, as for example low speed centrifuges, vacuum drum filters as well as vacuum belt filters seems to be problematical resp. impossible for the dewatering of a filter cake (thixotropic or dilatant behaviour) our dewatering system shows its strength.
These machines process fine materials with a dp50 of ≥ 1,0 µm. The rotor diameters vary between 400 and 1900 mm. The complete production line will be quoted as a closed and gas-tight system, of course. Tests have shown, that with the processing in the ProCent® there are no significant changes of particle shape resp. particle break.

Krettek horizontal peeler centrifuge production line ProCent® in operation by a customer in Far East