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Centrifuge service and maintenance for Heine centrifuges and Buckau-Wolf horizontal peeler centrifuges

18. March 2020

In addition to our complete service for our own product lines of our filtering and classifying centrifuges ProCent®, PharmaCent®, NANO-CUT® and LAB-CUT®, we also offer qualified services for Heine centrifuges and Buckau-Wolf horizontal peeler centrifuges in the same quality.

Our services include, among others:

  • Yearly UVV inspection in operating condition according to BGR 500
  • Every 3 years a UVV inspection in disassembled condition according to BGR 500
  • Production and delivery of spare parts in original quality

For full cost control we also offer tailor-made service and maintenance contracts. Contact us now for a non-binding offer.

We look forward to your inquiry.